by Louis Gerzofsky | Mar 20, 2017 | Work-Life
Executive coaching can involve lots of analysis: We look back to evaluate failures and successes. We develop strategies for the future based upon needs (a job), wants (a career) and desires (a mission or calling). But in the midst of all the remembering and planning...
by Louis Gerzofsky | Mar 17, 2017 | Work-Life
Slide decks. Professional publications. The sports page. The style page. Page 6. And let’s not forget the social media feeds. Where is the deep dive? When do we generate the curiosity and energy and attention to really, really get to know a subject? To make it...
by Louis Gerzofsky | Mar 13, 2017 | Work-Life
We’re out for dinner with that friend or ex-colleague we haven’t seen in ages and of course the subject gets around to what we’re doing. What is our job? How’s our career going? What’s the boss like? Do we like our company? We learn that...
by Louis Gerzofsky | Mar 9, 2017 | Work-Life
Simone Weil, French philosopher and member of the Resistance wrote the following: “Attention is the purest and rarest form of generosity.” Attention and Generosity. Two scarce commodities. Attention is something that we only give in the presence of someone...
by Louis Gerzofsky | Mar 8, 2017 | Work-Life
What is the ‘account’ that we draw from when a family member or friend or work colleague needs our advice? How do we craft an answer that comes from our heart and represents our best shot at helping this person who is afraid or in pain? It has to come from...
by Louis Gerzofsky | Jun 9, 2016 | Work-Life
“Excellence does not require Perfection.” — Henry James There are certain kinds of leaders who proudly tell their clients and employees that perfection is their goal. It’s the kind of word that sticks in people’s minds and it’s the kind of goal that they think...