Executive coaching can involve lots of analysis: We look back to evaluate failures and successes. We develop strategies for the future based upon needs (a job), wants (a career) and desires (a mission or calling).

But in the midst of all the remembering and planning it seems important to note that we only have one sure thing: The Right Now. We can’t change the past (those memories based upon even older memories) and our best plans for the future are our best…..educated guesses.

The Right Now, however, is where our most important super power exists: focused and concentrated Attention. It’s the antidote to that other, faux power: multi-tasking. The Right Now is where we do our best work and participate in the most meaningful interviews and spend the best time with our families.

In fact, if we don’t attend to The Right Now, we’re liable to spend so much time remembering and planning that we could end up absent when the future arrives.